Gary's thoughts this holiday season 2008

As the holiday season approaches in 2008 my thoughts have been racing. Just getting back from our bird hunting trip in Kansas, and our recent Bird hunt in Minnesota gave me time to reflect about my life while on the road. I met some very interesting people this past year. I want to say hi to my special friend Sue. To all friends new and old this year i want to wish you the happiest of holidays. To our troops i can only say that what you have and are sacrificing is beyond anyone's comprehension. My family and i are forever grateful.
I have put together some of my thoughts as the holiday season approaches. The Christmas season is my favorite time of year. If you want to know what this ol hillbilly is thinking about here it is in a few pics and thoughts. I really feel like i am the luckiest guy in the world today. To all of our readers and visitors on the GarysWorld websites i will always treasure your comments, messages, email, and support. May you have the happiest and most blessed holiday season.
One of the few remaining pics of my great-grandmother alongside my Dad. The pic was taken on the old homeplace on Hunting Creek in Breathitt County Kentucky.
My mom's mother. This my alltime favorite pic of grandma. She was singing at a Christmas concert.
A Christmas Eve at grandpa's and grandma's house. Memories forever etched in my heart. This remarkable man and grandma left us over 5000 acres of land, coal, oil, and gas. They never asked for anything worldly, they just loved their children and grandchildren. They are my Dad's mother and father.

The big white house on the curve where we spent countless Christmas Eve's during my childhood. My grandfather and grandmother, dad's parents lived there.

Dad in Paris France 1944
My dad was involved in the Battle of the Bulge Christmas 1944
My hat is off to you sir for the sacrifice you made to our country
Dad will be 85 this December. The best dad a son could ever have.

My brother on the right with Gary Wright, whom i graduated high school with, in Vietnam. Brother was in the 101st Airborne medivacs. Gary was a MP. I thank both of you from the bottom of my heart for your service to our country.

Me and brother Larry on the farm. Many fond memories flood back.

My brother Larry and i on our first trip to the Great Smoky Mountains. For those friends who always ask me why i have gone there so many times thru the years i hope this answers it.
My first school picture

My exwife Cyndy Kay Marie Holbrook mother of Mark, Myles, and Meridith. This was her Senior Picture the year we met.

My oldest son Mark, who taught me more lessons as a father than people could ever imagine. Pictured with Mark is his wife Mindy, and my granddaughter Myrial.

My wonderful and beautiful oldest daughter Meridith alongside my youngest son and biggest cutup i know Myles.

My favorite pic of my beautiful granddaughter Myrial

My ex girlfriend Andrea, Aisha's mom, with one of my favorite pictures a few years ago when Aisha was just a baby. In the hospital visiting mom at Christmas.

My darling youngest daughter Aisha D'Ann Holbrook
When someone asks her her name she gives them that look and says, "My name is Aisha D'Ann Holbrook", with the emphasis on Holbrook.

SueEllen my soulmate

Mom and dad on the farm at White Oak Kentucky

Tags: Appalachian Christmas, GarysWorld 'Appalachia', appalachian holidays, appalachian snowstorm, appalachian families
I truly feel as if I have walked in the gentle footsteps of your family's love...
And the warmth which surrounds me is sincere and true.
I am glad I was able to be stateside this year and I too add my prayers to yours for all those cannot be.
I honor those members of your family who served and well as those who loved and supported them.
May this season bring to your heart the joy and peace which defines the true meaning of Christmas :)
Thank you so much for your kind words. You truly have a gift. May you and your family have the best holiday season and coming year that God can grant.
Gary, that was a great post. I loved reading about your family and seeing all the pictures. The love you have for them shines through. You have a beautiful family and I really like your header. I hope someone can read it out to your father too! Merry Christmas to your and your family from Australia.
Thank you Lilly. Distance may separate people, but thoughts keep us together. Merry Christmas to you and the family.
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